Exposure Checklists

CAMPUS guidelines


The University of Utah’s coronavirus guidelines for fall semester were developed in partnership with the university’s public health professionals with the primary goal of maintaining the continuity of its in-person academic course work and operations such as on-campus housing and research activities throughout the entire semester. The guidelines place the health and safety of its students, faculty and staff as a top priority. These guidelines include limiting the size of in-person gatherings at the university (and in university-owned facilities) as a precaution to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus among its unique campus community. These guidelines extend to university-operated facilities that also rent space to outside organizations.

We recognize that current city and state guidelines provide some accommodation for larger gatherings than outlined in the university’s fall semester guidelines. However, as the university works to maintain the continuity of its academic and research mission, as well as contain and slow the spread of the coronavirus in its campus community, the university plans to maintain its existing fall semester guidelines.

FAculty & Staff Checklist

STUDENT Checklist

  • If you have had close contact with someone, or if you are a member of the same household or residence as someone who is confirmed positive for COVID-19, quarantine at home beginning on the date that the person tested positive
  • To get tested, call the campus COVID-19 Hotline at 801-587-0712 to get a referral. It is important to say you were referred by the Contact Tracing Unit and give them your exposure date.
  • Students living on campus should complete the housing self-reporting form (button below) if exposed to, being tested for or diagnosed with COVID-19. Students not living on campus should use the self-reporting form (button below).
  • Contact your instructors right away, especially if you have been in the classroom
  • Talk to your instructor about your isolation/quarantine dates (you may show the email from University of Utah contact tracers
  • Talk to your instructor if you are unable to participate due to illness
  • Sign up for weekly COVID 19 testing at https://alert.utah.edu/covid-19-testing/.